Often, problems can be solved by removing add-ons and peripherals, and then trying booting again.
Sovint, els problemes desapareixen si traieu maquinari addicional i perifèrics, i proveu aleshores d’arrencar de nou.
Font: MaCoCu
The agencies informed us that they were just starting to get things off the ground again and that there were events in the pipeline between now and the end of the year.
Les agències ens van transmetre que tot just comencen a arrencar de nou i a tenir alguns esdeveniments d’aquí a finals d’any.
Font: MaCoCu
We will see what happens in the coming months: whether other alternative routes are consolidated if the conflict carries on or whether we will have to wait for a peace agreement to be reached that will allow this ambitious rail service to restart.
Veurem què succeeix en els pròxims mesos: si es consoliden altres rutes alternatives en cas d’allargar-se el conflicte o si caldrà esperar que s’aconsegueixi un acord de pau que permeti arrencar de nou aquest ambiciós servei ferroviari.
Font: MaCoCu
I understand the position of the vets, but I do not agree at all that the solution is to kill and start again.
Entenc la postura dels veterinaris, però no comparteixo gens que la solució sigui matar i arrencar de nou.
Font: AINA
When the pot starts to boil, remove the foam from the surface, add the bay leaf and thyme and salt to taste.
En arrencar de nou el bull, escumeu la superfície i afegiu a l’olla el llorer, la farigola i el punt de sal.
Font: HPLT
Often, both inside and outside the plane, you may notice that the engines seem to be starting again and getting loud after the plane lands.
Sovint, tant dins com fora de l’avió, podeu notar que els motors semblen arrencar de nou i fer soroll després que l’avió aterri.
Font: AINA
After the civil war of 1936-1939, they had to start the business again with the reconstruction of vehicles that were part of the damaged and meager car park that was.
Acabada la guerra civil del 1936-1939, van haver d’arrencar de nou el negoci amb la reconstrucció de vehicles que integraven el malmès i magre parc automobilístic que hi havia.
Font: NLLB
This area is a good choice to say goodbye to the year and start the new one with energy.
Aquesta zona és una bona elecció per acomiadar l’any i arrencar el nou amb energies.
Font: MaCoCu
I want to pull his head off.
Li vull arrencar el cap.
Font: Covost2
When did you start this project?–
Quan va arrencar aquest projecte?–
Font: MaCoCu
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